Grow Track- Online

We are honored to have you join us as we begin a journey of faith, hope, and love. During this course, we will explore three defining areas in our development of faith in Christ and gain a greater understanding of how we can fulfill God’s plan in our lives.  We are committed to assist you as you begin to process through these three areas: CONNECT (to God and others), GROW (in Christ, personally & relationally), and SERVE (to God and others).


Our desire is that through this Grow Track, you will further your journey to spiritual growth and fulfillment. 

To get started on the Grow Track journey please Register Here.

Once you have received your registration confirmation follow this link to begin your Grow Track course.

Grow Track in person Registration

Connect -grow-serve

Grow Track is a 2 week class that takes place each

month at Encounter Church

Sedalia during the 10:45 service.  

Warrensburg at 9:00am.

Lincoln at 9:00am.

We would love for you to join us for an in person class.  

Simply sign-up here.