This Summer we are utilizing special interest groups to build relationships. These groups are intended to be able to jump in and out as your Summer travels allow.
Summer eGroups for Men
Pickleball (Thursday nights at 6:30pm) ECSedalia Parking Lot
Whether you are a pro or beginner come out and learn the game. Pop in any week you are available. (Group is for men and women)
Board Game Nights - Dates posted monthly - next meeting July 26
Come out and play some board games with others (men and women).
Men's Workout/Lifting group
This group is intended to encourage and support stepping into personal fitness. Join with Jeremey Sanchez as you guys hit the gym. (Men Only)
Fantasy Football League (Men)
- Calling all guys who would like to participate in this years Fantasy Football. Please sign-up so we can get a list of those interested to form leagues.
- Once interest is established a date for a draft meet up will be scheduled.