Upcoming Ladies Events

  • eMoms Playgroup - Tuesday Mornings at Sedalia Location 9:30-11:30am

    Calling all mommas who are at home with their kids this Summer.  Come out on Tuesdays for an eMoms playgroup.  The kids can play while the moms visit.  On occasion we may have some fun outings with the kids.   This group takes place in the eKids wing of the Sedalia location.

  • EC Ladies Coffee Meet Up -Thursdays @ 8:30am

    Need an excuse to get a coffee?  Come get to know other Christian women and make connections over a cup of coffee.   Meet at Ozark on 8:30am Thursdays.

  • Hobby Lobby Night

    Hobby Lobby Night returns on Thursday, February 6.  Meet at Hobby Lobby entrance at 6pm.  

    When you arrive fill out a card with your favorite things.  You will then draw a name and go shop (secretly) for the name you drew.  Max spent $10-$15.  Following a brief time of shopping we will head to a restaurant for dinner and exchange gifts.  This is a GREAT way to get to meet new ladies in the church.